Disease Management
Conveniently located to serve Denver Metro, Fort Collins, and Colorado Springs.
Spire Health Pathways Disease Management
Spire Health Pathways providers and staff are available to help you manage diseases or to help you fully understand how to decrease your risk for developing diseases. If you are already taking medication for a chronic condition of any sort or have recently been diagnosed with a disease, our providers will meet with you to provide their assessment and guidance on how to decrease your symptoms, slow progression of your disease, and reverse disease whenever possible. If there is a family history of a disease that concerns you, we can also provide a treatment plan that is likely to prevent that genetic or family history from being “turned on”.
Functional Medicine & Disease Management
Functional medicine addresses the root causes of symptoms and illnesses. This means identifying where inflammation and imbalances in the body are occurring that are the reason for the symptoms you are having. When we target root causes, we allow the body to heal and to come back into balance which can restore full function at times and at other times it may improve function and will prevent further disease from occurring since the triggers for disease are removed. We do not recommend that our clients completely stop their medications when they see us as there is a biochemical balance that has occurred when medicines are started, and sudden disruption can be harmful. We will always examine how to minimize your medications and help with guidance regarding decreasing doses as appropriate and with your primary provider’s collaboration.
Some people are genetically prone to specific illnesses and believe that if their family members are suffering from diabetes, asthma, or high blood pressure for example, then it is also their destiny to have these illnesses. Research has shown that we are not destined for most of the diseases that occur as an adult even when we are carrying a genetic predisposition. Our providers will work with you to help determine what your risks are, provide a plan that should prevent the illness, and will often be able to help you with scheduled screening diagnostics which will indicate whether issues are starting to occur before symptoms or diseases have presented themselves.
More Pathways to Health
Diagnostic Pathways
Weight Management & Weight Loss
Nutrition & Diet Management
Health Coaching
Fitness Optimization
Regenerative & Longevity Services
Hormonal Balancing
Spire Health Pathways
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patients in care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” – Thomas Edison