How Functional Medicine Treats Acquired Diseases & Illnesses
Conveniently located to serve Denver Metro, Fort Collins, and Colorado Springs.
Functional Medicine’s Approach to Acquired Illnesses and Disorders
Many illnesses are acquired when an individual becomes infected or as a result of aging which leads to dysfunction. In some cases, such as HIV, Hepatitis C, and Hepatitis B, the infection persists in our bodies and the organisms continue to create symptoms and damage to bodily organs and systems. In the cases of Long COVID and hypothyroidism, the infection has cleared normally but an inflammatory or autoimmune process has been set in motion that continues to affect functioning. By leaning on the body’s knowledge of how to heal itself by providing the right factors of nutrition and environment, we can improve symptoms and sometimes help the body eradicate long standing infections. The same is true in treating Tinnitus and Macular Degeneration, where we focus on the body’s ability to heal by providing what is needed for recovery.
What Is Functional Medicine’s Approach to Acquired Illnesses and Disorders?
Illnesses that are brought on by infection require an in-depth review of your immune system function to design the right treatment for you. Regarding dysfunction brought on by aging such as tinnitus, your provider must assess your ability to absorb the specific nutrients required for regeneration and healing and understand your genetic makeup which influences the way your body uses food. Functional medicine uses knowledge of each person’s genetic and biochemical make-up to individualize your diet and supplement plans for recovery.
Advanced Testing
Our providers use science-based information on the requirements for tissue healing and immune system function and examine your needs with advanced testing including nutrigenomics (the science of how nutrition acts on DNA), micronutrient testing, digestive and immune function including intestinal absorption and the health of the microbiome (gut bacteria). Paired with a thorough history of your health, advanced testing provides guidance on which areas actions are most likely to prove successful in your care.
How Does Functional Medicine for Acquired Disorders Work?
Our providers will often work as a complement to your other medical providers who are providing specialized treatment and medications for your specific illness. We will work to understand your genetic and nutritional needs in bolstering the immune system to help your medications work and to potentially help irradicate your infection and its effects. For areas that have been damaged such as hearing and vision in Tinnitus and Macular Degeneration, we provide the information and assistance you need to understand what must be removed from your lifestyle to lessen further injury and what science shows to be the most successful treatments for recovery from injury.
Learn More About Our Services
Unexplained Symptoms
Lifestyle & Environmental
Autoimmune & Allergic
Neurologic & Mental Health
Spire Health Pathways
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patients in care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” – Thomas Edison