Regenerative Medicine & Longevity Services
Conveniently located to serve Denver Metro, Fort Collins, and Colorado Springs.
“Getting old is like climbing a mountain; you get a little out of breath, but the view is much better!”
—Ingrid Bergman
Spire Health Pathways Regenerative & Longevity Services
Aging is frightening for many, but it is not the number of birthdays that have passed that causes fear, it is the possibility of growing feeble, losing the ability to do what we enjoy, and having problems with memory and mental clarity that changes our relationships with loved ones that can create dread. We never want to feel like a burden to our loved ones, or worse, like we are trapped in our bodies. Age and poor aging are not synonymous, and how we care for ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually can mean we continue to enjoy good health no matter what our age.
There are several ways Spire Health Pathways can help you to feel your best at every age. While functional medicine may be best known for helping with disease treatment, its basis for optimizing how the body functions leads to vitality, defined as liveliness and zest! Work with one of our providers to discover what is optimal for you to bring back vitality or to keep it going for years to come.
Our providers will get to know you and help determine how you are doing today with both standard examinations of tissue function such as thyroid, liver, and kidney tests as well as look at possible advanced testing such as telomere length, genetics, and markers of inflammation, and will compare your results to what the literature shows are the target levels that show whether your body is rapidly aging or aging slowly. Using this information your provider will design an individualized plan of treatment that incorporates diet, exercise, stress reduction, and personalized supplements that target the areas you specifically require help with, helping to slow the process of aging.
More Pathways to Health
Diagnostic Pathways
Weight Management & Weight Loss
Nutrition & Diet Management
Health Coaching
Fitness Optimization
Disease Management
Hormonal Balancing
Spire Health Pathways
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patients in care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” – Thomas Edison